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  "Hope is the pillar that holds up the world." - Pliny the Elder

Monday, October 21, 2024  


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Forum: Tragedy Reactions and News

The discussion forum has been closed, but the topics have been preserved here.

Author Topic
tommyPosted: 2002-02-22 | Subject: terrorists
hello, my name is Tommy.Two days ago 4 terrorists where arrestated in Rome (italy) because they want to put in the water sistem 2 kilos of poison (cianuro).After 02/09/01 who.......

hopechestPosted: 2001-11-25 | Subject: Christmas with someone missing
This is my third topic i would like to thank everyone who has emailed me and given their best wishes, As i sit here in my home, with my family all here and safe, I start to think about those people who have lost family in this terrible tradedgy. Christmas is a time when we thank god for all that we have and our Family is the most important thing in the world. How we love and respect each other is also important. I just want to say to anyone who has lost loved ones in the American Attacks that my family is thinking of you all and send you love. Words cannot replace or mend the loss that has been taken from you so violently, only time will help, I hope for you this wont be too long.God is watching over you at this time. And all the people in the world will remember you all at Christmas. And remember this that A new World is coming, after all is said and done We as a race will come together and make it safe for our family and all the generations to Follow.

Japanese_TVPosted: 2001-11-05 | Subject: Japanese TV wants your opinion!
This message is to ask you to send us your thoughts on the Terrorist Attacks on Sep. 11th for our TV programme.

NHK, the Public Television Station of Japan, is creating a multi-media program entitled "INTERNET DEBATE: September 11th". The program will be focusing on the events of September 11th, 2001 and how they have changed the world forever. We are asking people, from all over the world, to contribute their stories, opinions and hopes for the future in regards to the events of September 11th. Please visit our site to leave messages at:
Thank you very much for taking the time to consider our request.
Japanese_TVPosted: 2001-11-05 | Subject: Japanese
This message is to ask you to send us your thoughts on the Terrorist Attacks on Sep. 11th for our TV programme.

NHK, the Public Television Station of Japan, is creating a multi-media program entitled "INTERNET DEBATE: September 11th". The program will be focusing on the events of September 11th, 2001 and how they have changed the world forever. We are asking people, from all over the world, to contribute their stories, opinions and hopes for the future in regards to the events of September 11th. Please visit our site to leave messages at:
Thank you very much for taking the time to consider our request.

hopechestPosted: 2001-10-18 | Subject: A new world part 2
thankyou to all those people who have read my first thought A New World. After 5 weeks have passed we have all seen a new world slowing revolving, in the ways that everyone is coming together in sorrow and greif. Love is a powerful thing and the world has been asleep dreaming of it. What an awakening it has had in lthe past 5 weeks. I personally am proud to be an Australian to see our country stand by America and its people. I believe we have all woken up to the fact that we as human beings must come together and make our future a reality and for our childrens futures as well. I am now awake to the future and i look forward to spending days and years with my husband and my daughter. I wish with all my heart that the people who have lost love ones due to this tradegy could have that choice too. Osama Bin laden do you have the choice to see your love ones or are they murdered inocently as well.

hopechestPosted: 2001-09-16 | Subject: A new world
A new world is coming one that is free of terrorism. I only hope that this kind of pain never comes back again, as i feel so lost and hurt over the fact that one person can do so much damage his influence has left all the parents of this world is dispair. But soon very soon things will change because love is more powerful than evil and hate soon a new world will be created and our children and our childrens children will remember what we have done for them

MariaPosted: 2001-10-12 | Subject: Re: A new world
<font face='Arial'>Well, hopechest, what you wrote is what I'm wishing and dreaming of, too. I pray and hope that this kind of things will never happen again... On the one hand I fear it will remain a dream, it will get worse and the world in all will never change.

But on the other hand I have a strong belief in love. Indeed it is much more powerful than hate. And in all this horror we, who believe in this, can at least hold together and care for the people around us, the people in our neighbourhood or in our schools. Through those little steps everyone can make a difference and this will help us to make it through most difficult times like these. Together.

Best regards,

</font id='Arial'>

Edited by - Maria on 10/12/2001 09:57:51 AM
julsPosted: 2001-09-29 | Subject: Re: A new world
Wish I could be as optimistic as you and believe that a new
world without terrorism is possible. What we need now is to
find a way to deal and live with terrorism until it will hopefully
be erradicated from this world.

kiwi_new zealandPosted: 2001-09-15 | Subject: ''KIWI'S WHO CARE''

Dear American people,

Our family would like to send you all, especially those family's and victems of this sad loss and tragedy. We undoubtedly mourn and feel for you all, and send our heart felt condolences to you..U.S.A unconditionally.

May our HEAVENLY FATHER pour his richest of BLESSINGS upon you all and may he comfort your losses and protect you further more, we all pray for your nation and we cry along side you.You are never far from our thoughts,our little country ''NEW ZEALAND'' send your nation there LOVE,AND UNDIVIDED SUPPORT in anything you need from us.

God Bless you AMERICA,

Love from the Shaw-Ahipene Family.

JohnHallerPosted: 2001-09-13 | Subject: Airline Contact Information
Both airlines have people standing by at their response numbers. The numbers are linked to below:

American Airlines

United Airlines

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