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  "Hope is the pillar that holds up the world." - Pliny the Elder

Monday, October 21, 2024  

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- Cheer Rescuers

Cheer On The Rescue Workers (ARCHIVED)

Last Updated/Confirmed: Sept 11th, 2002

NOTE: A tremendous number of people helped cheer on the rescue and recovery workers in the weeks and months following the attack. This page remains online as an archive thanking them

Ok, so, you've exhausted every other means of support. They have enough blood, enough food, enough volunteers and enough socks. Is there anything else you can do? The answer is YES! Rescue workers are going to and from ground zero along the West Side Highway 24 hours a day. They are exhausted, emotionally and physically drained and in need of some appreciation. Bring a sign that says thanks, hold a single candle in a glass jar, wave at them, applaud them, it REALLY does help. There are people out there all day. People are especially needed late night, from midnight to morning. A map is below. Hope to see you there!

MapBlast Map

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Nearly half a million people have visited; viewing well over a million pages since September 11th, 2001.