Live WebCam (Retired 9/11/2003)
This live webcam was pointed at the former World Trade Center site from East 14th St in Manhattan.
Updated every 5 minutes. Static Tribute In Light
pictures are also available.

About This WebCam
The WorldTradeAftermath.com web cam was setup to give people a connection to the search for their
friends and loved ones on 9/11/2001. The final image, shown above, was taken on the second anniversary, 9/11/2003,
when the Tribute In Light was again lighting the night sky. A move from my residence on 14th St in Manhattan
necessitated the retiring of this webcam and happened to coincide with the 2nd anniversary. I hope that, in some small
way, this web cam helped others who lost family or friends on 9/11/2001.

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Nearly half a million people have visited; viewing well over a million pages since September 11th, 2001. |