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  "Hope is the pillar that holds up the world." - Pliny the Elder

Monday, October 21, 2024  

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This site was created to act as a central resource of information for people worried about friends and loved ones in and around the World Trade Center (and Pentagon) on September 11th, 2001. One of our most useful features is our Company Information Directory listing emergency contacts and status information on affected companies and employees.


Recent Updates

September 11, 2013

It's been twelve years. It's hard to believe it's been that long. But at the same time, it seems longer. It's as if the passage of time holds a different weight before and after. A fixed point that alters the perception of other points. Twelve years since watching the collapse of where I used to work and occasionally play from my bedroom window. Since worrying about friends and loved ones. Since watching the stream of lost office workers covered in debris walk up 1st Avenue. Since finding out Veronica and Edmundo and Joe and others were safe. Since finding out Melissa never made it out. Since starting a website to try and help people find each other and cope. Since trying to help and finding there wasn't much to do except work on a barge giving out food to folks working the pile, and then doing that. Since trying to help those who had it far worse, friends who lost their spouses. Since attending my first funeral without a body. Since watching politicians and cynical people try to co-opt images of murder for their own selfish reasons. Since trying to find meaning from horror and terror. Since seeing New Yorkers come together like no one else.

"Since 9/11" will be a part of many statements, memories, and online posts today. Everyone's Sinces will be unique to them. They all carry meaning and weight in their own personal way. I can only hope that everyone's lives are continuing to move forward since they began to recover. And that we can all do our part to help each other keep moving forward. - John

September 11, 2011 - Ten Years Later
For those still missing the friends, family members and loved ones they lost - deepest sympathy. For those who are still sick or injured - best wishes for you to get better. For those who are still living in fear - talk to someone: friend, family, counselor, neighbor. For those who are still using 9/11 for political, financial or personal gain - please stop. For everyone - please remember to live each day, tell the ones you love how you feel, and keep reaching for whatever it is you truly want. My best to all - John

September 11, 2008 - Seven Years Later
There are companies with 'memorabilia' to sell, hoping to get a buck from you. There are politicians with fear to sell, hoping to get a vote from you. There are individuals with conspiracy theories to sell, hoping to get an agreement from you. But today is about the ones we lost, the ones who survived, the ones who are still trying to cope and the ones who are moving forward to make the world a better place for all. Take the time you need today. Make the time for those you love today. My best wishes to all.

September 11, 2007 - Six Years Later
It's been six years since the attacks on that clear September morning in 2001. Six years since the 2,973 victims of the attack lost their lives. Six years since the lives of their families, friends and loved ones were forever changed. But, the ones we lost will always be with us. And we will always be here for each other. My best to all.

August 16, 2006 - Remaining 911 Tapes Released
The remaining 911 tapes from 9/11 were released by the New York City fire department today. The 1,613 previously unreleased emergency calls made public today show the chaos and confusion that went on within the World Trade Center leading up to its collapse. Most major news sites are covering the story and you can find the related stories via Google News. For many of us who knew someone whose voice is on the tapes, it will be difficult to see their final words published for all to see in news stories around the world, or to hear used in a video montage that news sites are fond of posting. Remember that you're not alone, and that there is far more to the lives of those we lost than their panicked final words. As always, my best to all.

September 11th, 2005 - 4 Years Later
It has now been 4 years since September 11th forever changed many of our lives. There are still many people trying to overcome what happened that day. Whether they lost a loved one, a friend, a coworker; whether they were running from the towers as they were collapsing; whether they were witnessing a plane flying into the World Trade Center or the Pentagon. For many, the day will always remain fresh in their minds. Even though time has passed, it is still ok to grieve for those we have lost, it is still ok to need a shoulder to lean on and it is still ok to need help in dealing with it. Help is still available to those that want it. My best wishes to everyone.

September 5th, 2005 - Hurrican Katrina
Our hearts go out to those affected by Hurrican Katrina. If you can, please consider making a donation to the Red Cross to assist.

August 3rd, 2005 - Upcoming Tuesday's Children Benefit
Tuesday's Children, an organization devoted to the children who lost a parent on 9/11, is having a benefit on September 29th honoring Rudolph Guiliani and the NY Mets for their support of the organization.

July 8th, 2005 - London Aftermath
At least 50 people were killed and hundreds were injured in the terrorist attack on London yesterday. The casualty reports are still coming in. BBC News has a tracking story up as well as an in-depth explanation of what happened. The attacks appear to have been random in who they killed and injured with victims from Britain as well as Sierra Leone, Australia, Portugal, Poland and China. A good overview of all the events and the emergency response is also available in a Wikipedia article.

July 7th, 2005 - London Attacked
Three bombs were detonated in the London Underground this morning followed by a fourth on a double-decker bus. Our hearts go out to those injured or killed and their families.

June 29th, 2005 - New Freedom Tower Design Unveiled
The Freedom Tower has been redesigned to make it more resistant to attack. It is now further from the street and will have a stronger base. It should be completed by 2010.

June 13th, 2005 - 130 Liberty St (1 Bankers Trust Plaza) Deconstruction Begins This Summer
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation has posted an invitations for bidding on scaffolding and deconstruction of the building. After 3 over years of legal battles, the fate of the building was sealed, mainly due to the large amounts of harmful materials deposited throughout the building.

December 27th, 2004 - Tsunami
My heart goes out to everyone affected by the horrendous disaster. If you are able to help, please consider donating to one of these organizations aiding the victims. I sent my donation on to Doctors Without Borders which was on the ground in Indonesia quite quickly.

October 22nd, 2004 - Final Beam in new WTC 7
The final beam has been installed in the new 52-story skyscraper on the site of the old 7 World Trade Center today. It is being developed by the same developer that had developed the original WTC7.

September 11th, 2004 - 3rd Anniversary, Events Schedule
The 3rd anniversary will be marked by a number of events and ceremonies. Many memorials and events are planned for other areas. The Tribute In Light will also be lit again tonight at sunset. Today is a good day to surround yourself with friends and loved ones. My best to all.

August 10th, 2004 - WTC Health Regsitry: 4 Weeks Left
There are now 4 weeks left to register with the World Trade Center Health Registry. Over 50,000 have enrolled so far. Residents, children, and those who worked at WTC site are urged to enroll by calling 1-866-NYC-WTCR.

July 20th, 2004 - Help Reminder
The 9/11 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program wanted to remind everyone that they are still available to help cover the costs of mental health counseling and medication costs. Full details are available on their site.

July 4th, 2004 - Freedom Tower Cornerstone Laid
The corner stone of the new Freedom Tower was laid at the World Trade Center site today.

January 14th, 2004 - WTC Health Registry Reminder
The WTC Health Registry has requested that individuals register with them to allow them to track the long-term health effects of the WTC attack and it's aftermath. If you were south of Chambers St on 9/11/01, lived south of Canal St on 9/11/01, or were a rescue, recovery or volunteer worker at the WTC site, at the recovery site in Staten Island, or on the barges anytime between 9/11/01 and 6/30/02, please go to their site and register today.

January 6th, 2004 - WTC Memorial Design Selected
The committee selected to choose a memorial design today announced their design. Reflecting Absence will have 2 voids where the towers stood with reflecting pools.

December 19th, 2003 - Freedom Tower Design Revealed
The design for the new 1776-foot Freedom Tower was unveiled today. The redesign has a twisted shape that is supposed to echo the Statue of Liberty in the harbor nearby. It will be the world's tallest building.

November 23rd, 2003 - WTC Path Train Station Reopens
The WTC Path station reopened today, with a cermonial first ride by the NJ governor to the WTC station on the last train to leave the station on 9/11/2001.

November 19th, 2003 - WTC Memorial Finalists Announced
The WTC Memorial Finalists were announced today and may be viewed online. They are also on display at an exhibit in the Winter Garden in the World Financial Center.

October 29th, 2003 - 9/11 Death Toll Revised
The official WTC death toll from the terrorist attacks has been revised down by 40 after an exhaustive investigation into all missing persons reports. The official toll now stands at 2,752 with 3 investigation cases still open.

September 11th, 2003 - 2 Years Later / Webcam Retired
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the attack. Several events were held throughout New York City. The Tribute In Light will also be lit again tonight at 7:12pm.

Also, today marks the retiring of the live webcam, after 2 years of operation. The final image is a picture of the Tribute In Light as viewed from 14th St in Manhattan taken a few minutes ago.

August 29th, 2003 - 911 Transcripts Released
Transcripts of calls to the Port Authority on 9/11 have been released and provide a glimpse of the horror and heroism of the day. Several family members of victims did not want the transcripts released. Some did. In the end, it took a lawsuit by the New York Times to force the transcripts to be released last night. WARNING: Some of the following content may be difficult reading.

August 19th, 2003 - WTC, Area and Memorial Images Posted
Images of the current World Trade Center site, the memorial, the surrouding buildings and the fire and collapse are now online in the images section of this site.

Blackout, 42nd and 8th, Port AuthorityAugust 14th - 15th, 2003 - Northeast Blackout
A blackout plunged much of the Northeastern United States into darkness. It appeared to be caused by an overload in one or more areas of the power grid and no link to terrorist activity was found. New York City coped well with the lack of power, public transportation and water in high-rise buildings. (Image of people waiting outside Port Authority bus terminal on 42nd and 8th)

June 20th, 2003 - Nearby Building to be Taken Down
The Deutsche Bank building (Bankers Trust Plaza) that has stood draped in black with a US Flag hung from it across from the World Trade Center site since 9/11 has been deemed beyond repair and will be taken down beginning next month.

Older Updates...

Work In Progress

As always, this site is a work in progress. If you encounter any information that is not yet here or have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

You Are Not Alone

Nearly half a million people have visited; viewing well over a million pages since September 11th, 2001.